EU research, technology and innovation policy in the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. Facts and trends

Charalambos Chrysomallidis
Funding is the core activity of EU contemporary public policy in the areas of research, technology and innovation (RTI), since the introduction of Framework Programmes (FP) in the early 1980s, as it is traditionally focused on one main aspect of relevant public policy, namely project funding. The discussion on EU RTI policy has been intensifi ed and deepened, as EU has upgraded research, technology and innovation sector in its policy agenda, trying to contribute to European economy’s transformation into a “smarter” and more knowledge intensive pattern. For that purpose, EU, has included research and innovation prominently in its growth strategies, since 2000, both in Lisbon Strategy and Strategy “Europe 2020”. On this ground, the paper highlights aspects of EU RTI policy until now, as well as towards the next Multiannual Financial Framework, 2021-2027, according to Commission’s proposal and all relevant developments, so far, referring also to the (potential) impact that EU RTI policy has had (may have) on member states, and more particularly on Greece.
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Charalambos Chrysomallidis, National Documentation Center, National Hellenic Research Foundation


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