An empirical investigation of xenophobia in the contemporary society of Greece: Socio-demographic and socio-psychological contributory factors

Published: Oct 15, 2020
Xenophobia Political xenophobia Material threats Symbolic threats Ideological attitudes
Αναστασία Ζήση
Σωτήρης Χτουρής
Γιώργος Σταλίδης
Κώστας Ρόντος

In this article, we present research evidence of a national survey on xenophobia (N = 1.838) and host-immigrant relations carried out in the contemporary society of Greece facing a deep and severe economic crisis. The theoretical and research design of the study draws on the integrated threat theory (Stephan & Stephan, 2000) and the right-wing
authoritarian theory (Altemeyer, 1981) that have been extensively used in the research area of social psychology of prejudice and inter-group discrimination. The Principal Correspondence Analysis shows that
the overall negative attitude towards the immigrants and political xenophobia are related to sociodemographic characteristics such as low education level, low income and negative change someone’s economic position. The overall negative attitude towards the immigrants and political xenophobia are also related to socio-psychological processes such as perceived threats and strong ideological beliefs of social
conformity and conservatism. Our results support the existence of varieties of xenophobia.

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