Environmental conflicts in Turkey: State, civil society and public life

Αιμιλία Βουλβούλη
Environmental conflicts have become an increasingly common phenomenon in contemporary Turkey. Such conflicts are the big mobilizations against the construction of hydroelectric dams in South-eastern Turkey, the much-discussed Bergama mobilization against the operation of a gold-mine and the mobilization against the construction of a bridge over the Bosporus strait in Istanbul. According to participants in such mobilizations, the reasons that prompt their reaction are related with the destructive effects that the construction of such developments would have on the area's natural and cultural assets, as well as on the life of its residents. Moreover, such actions call into question the concepts of politics and democracy in terms of not only who has the right to decide, but about what and for whom. Having spent 18 months in the field, the present work focuses on the analysis of these mobilizations (with particular emphasis on the anti-bridge campaign) as collective actions in the realm of public life.
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