National elections 17th November 1974: “Metapolitefsi” and institutionalization of television in electoral competition

Published: Feb 12, 2024
Θωμάς Σιώμος

This paper examines the elections of 17th November 1974, the first case of institutionalization of television in the Greek electoral competition. As the first Greek elections after a decade of political instability, owing to the diversion of democracy by the Junta, these elections seem to be interesting since they reflect not only the political and executive conditions of “Metapolitefsi” but also the way and the relevant political effects of the transition from "squares" to television studios. Using the methodological tools of the Essex School of discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis (CDA), this paper focuses on the discourse of both leaders of Greek political parties and the domestic press, composing a timeline around that particular political moment.

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Θωμάς Σιώμος, ΑΠΘ

Διδάσκων 407, Τμήμα Πολιτικών Επιστημών ΑΠΘ