For the construction of a European field for the social sciences: data of a research program

Νίκος Παναγιωτόπουλος
In this article the author suggests a research program which, having an autonomous scientific orientation, clear educational and scientific practical expressions and, at the same time, a broad regulatory targeting, is structured around the basic question: what are the possible terms for the creation of a European field for the social sciences? A fundamental prerequisite of the author’s suggestion for the necessity of this program is the point that the prospect of the construction of a European field of social sciences, which a socially founded policy could attempt, cannot be accomplished if it does not take into account the results of a strict work of comparative, structural social history, at least on three complementary and interdependent levels: a) the comparative history of the different traditions of national schools and different national systems of education; b) the comparative history of national histories of different scientific disciplines; and c) the comparative history of the movement of ideas and scholars within between different European scientific areas.
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