The functions of corruption

Έφη Λαμπροπούλου
The article examines the functions of corruption in relation to social control. First, it analyses the role of the media in scandalizing corruption and so helping the communication of politicians with the citizens. Secondly, it looks into the moralization of corruption which employs condemnation, thus contributing to the stabilization of social norms. On the basis of a secondary analysis of research conducted in the area, it studies structural and cultural elements in social systems that favour corruption. Low generalized citizens’ trust and high insecurity feelings, in combination with low social control over the elites on the one side, and of public administration as well as of social institutions on the other, promote what has been characterized as corruption in the last decade. This has also proven useful to the stigmatisation of certain countries and groups in perpetuation of exclusion. In conclusion, the article asks whether we face a pervasive, and therefore vigorous, moral crusade of the 21st century.
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