Multiculturalism: psychosocial processes and politics of identity

Θάλεια Δραγώνα
The presence of the ‘other’ is by definition connected with the notion of difference. Yet difference is not only out there. It is at the heart of the unconscious. Thus, for the understanding of the political fate of multiethnic societies a double approach is deemed necessary. The first calls for the analysis of the psychological processes and the mechanisms that are involved in the construction of otherness. It is only through such an analysis that we can understand the magnitude of the passion with which the ‘other’ is invested. The second approach refers to the politics of identity adopted by contemporary nation-states that are faced with multiple dilemmas whenever they are called to deal with cultural diversity. The present paper analyses this double approach in firm belief that the separation of psychic from social processes is not only artificial, but also impossible if we are to fully understand the dynamics of identity and political integration in culturally diverse societies.
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