In quest of a minimum civic (multiculturalist?) integration model: migration in Greece in the turmoil of the financial crisis

Δημήτρης Χριστόπουλος
The article explores the possibilities of an integration theory for migrants adapted to the Greek socio-economic and political environment in the turmoil of the ongoing financial crisis. Throughout its history, the Greek integration model was founded on a particular Jacobin ideology adapted to the post-Ottoman realities of the region. According to this pattern, similar to the French or the Turkish one, integration goes in tandem with absolute assimilation. Erasing one’s identity has proved to be the only way for opening the gate to nationhood and well-being within the political community. This very same model (functional during the 20th century vis-à-vis national minorities) started to apply after the end of the Cold War for migrants arriving in Greece. Nevertheless, it already presents symptoms of historical exhaustion. In practice, it cannot deliver. Today, in the midst of this unprecedented crisis, assimilation does not seem to be such an attractive goal for migrants since it offers no rewards in terms of equal access to social rights citizenship. Therefore, new integration strategies are urgently required.
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