Greek versions of multiculturalism: from the 1980s to 2009

Γιώργος Αγγελόπουλος
Multiculturalism discourse has been gradually developing in Greece since the early 1980s. This paper analyzes the two native Greek versions of multiculturalism appearing as a result of both local and global social and political changes (the post-1989 identity politics in the Balkans, the influx of migrants and refugees in Greece). These versions coexist by reflecting different approaches to the nation-building process in Greece. The first version attempts to produce an alternative nation-building framework in order to contribute to the modernization of Greek society. The second version has specific left-wing political references. What is common in both versions is that, on a societal level, they function in favor of natives and that they produce essen- tialist understandings of ‘identities’ for both natives and migrants.
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