A brave new world, as all the previous ones

Δημήτρης Κελεφιώτης
We present a review of the recent developments in biology: sequencing of the human genome, broad culture of genetic modified organisms and possibility of cloning humans. The Human Genome Project is a well organized international basic research effort that opens new approaches in the understanding of the phenomenon of life and defines a broad range of applications. The public nature of the Human Genome Project imposed a preplanned approach of the subjects concerning the Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) of the produced knowledge. The Human Genome Project, the creation of genetically modified organisms and cloning, with all the accompanying advantages disadvantages and questions, represent contemporary examples of the applications of the progress in the understanding of the phenomenon of life. The understanding of physical phenomena and intervention in order to adapt the environment to human needs, runs across human development and the creation of civilization through out history. The course of the human species through the creation of new technologies that overturn old worlds is characterized by a courage that provokes ignorance and risks demanding the future.
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