Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu: a passio sciendi

Νίκος Παναγιωτόπουλος
In this essay, the writer propose to outline a historical reconstruction of the relation between, on the one band, the structure of intellectual and scientific space, with the possibilities and the impossibilities that it entails, in relation to which Pierre Bourdieu has had to define himself in order to construct himself, and, on the other hand, a set of intellectual dispositions engendered in a determined relation to the social world, which is at the basis of his critique both of the scholastic view and of sociology’s relation to philosophy, the universe par excellence of skholè. It is only such an analysis that makes us able to grasp how Bourdieu’s work succeded in forming an objectively decisive contribution in every attempt to define the role of social science in modern society, as well as the position of social scientists vis a vis their discipline so that the exchange of ideas that favour a collective definition of the rules of scientific identity is facilitated.
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