The socialistic origins of x-liberalism in Greece

Γεώργιος Κ. Μπήτρος
Αναστάσιος Δ. Καραγιάννης
Many of the problems confronting Greece today have their roots in the side effects of the institutional choices and the economic policies that were adopted in tire early postwar years. Three persons who influenced these policies decisively were X. Zolotas, C. Tsatsos and P. Papaligouras, whereas the impact of A. Angelopoulos was indirect. In this research we investigate their ideas and recommendations, the policies through which they pursued them, and the adverse consequences on Greek society and economy of the regime that was established, which was typically liberal, but in essence more socialistic. For this reason, our view is that our country shall not manage to get out of its present impasse, unless the so called 'center- right’ political parties abandon completely the socialistic origins of whatever liberalism (x-liberalism) they are accustomed to invoking in order to justify the social properties of their public choices.
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