Social skills, social capital and education

Πέτρος Γουγουλάκης
The frame of reference of this text is the current theoretical and policy debate on key competencies, skills and qualifications, which every citizen in society must have or acquire, through a process of lifelong learning to enable them to cope with the challenges and demands of phenomena such as (economic) globalization, information technologies and multiculturalism as a result of the new character of migration flows. The recommendation of the EU Council and Parliament on key competences for lifelong learning, among which 'social and civic competences' are included, is indicative. The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, to provide a reflective review of some frequently used concepts within educational policy contexts. Second, to initiate a discussion on the relation between social capital and social competence, from a learning perspective, focusing on the question: Why is there such a growing interest for social skills and competences today and what is the role of education (and what kind of education?) in the creation of social capital in society?
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