Social capital: Between theoretical clarity and confusion

Σωκράτης Μ. Κονιόρδος
My intention in this paper is to delineate some basic ways of conceptualizing social capital. This is effectuated in relation to the corresponding, but different, ways in which this notion has been applied. I begin by looking into the origins of the concept in Tocqueville, Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Hanifan, Jacobs and Loury. I then proceed to present a brief overview of the relevant analyses of the authors I consider the most important in terms of their work on social capital: namely, P. Bourdieu, J. S. Coleman, A. Portes and R. Putnam. In the discussion I intend to show the fragmentation between the varying approaches and illustrate the difficulties of the scientific discussion. I relate the latter to the adoption of the notion of social capital by transnational organizations, as well as by national governments, and the uses to which it is put. Lastly, the need to overcome confusion and fragmentation and to proceed toward theoretical clarity is highlighted.
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