Gender-based violence and School Social Work: A review study

Published: Sep 17, 2024
Gender-Based Violence School Gender-Based Violence Social Work School Social Work School Social Worker
Konstantinos Kaplanis
Sevaste Chatzifotiou

This article is a literature review study on gender-based violence, focusing on school-based gender violence and the role of School Social Work in addressing it within the school environment. The review was based on databases such as PubMed, PsycInfo, SCOPUS, Taylor & Francis, Springer, and Google Scholar, without time restrictions on the publications. A total of 180 sources from 1992 to 2024 were analyzed, of which 74 were selected based on their relevance to the topic and their coverage of three thematic fields: gender-based violence, school-based gender violence, and School Social Work with an emphasis on best practices. The review identifies conceptual definitions of gender-based and school-based gender violence, as well as the contribution of School Social Work in preventing and addressing the phenomenon through best practices. Emphasis is placed on the impacts of gender-based violence on the mental health of women, girls, vulnerable groups, and individuals outside heteronormativity, with girls and women facing severe mental health issues due to gender-based victimization. The school, as a secondary socialization factor, serves as a setting for the development of forms of gender-based violence that affect students' mental health and academic performance. School Social Work, through theory and practice, directly contributes to the prevention and management of school-based gender violence, promoting a supportive and safe environment for all children. School social workers (hereafter referred to as SSWs) implement holistic interventions for the positive development and well-being of students, regardless of their gender, aiming to inform, support, and empower the educational community.

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