Midwives as Adult Educators: An investigation of midwives’ perceptions about the educational dimension of their profession

Ira Papageorgiou
Eleni Kostourou

This article deals with the educational dimension of Midwifery, as manifested in the context of perinatal education programmes in Greece. Despite the internationally recognized value of childbirth education in reducing perinatal mortality and morbidity, and despite the rich activity of midwives in terms of perinatal education, their role as adult educators has received limited scientific attention and support. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether and to what extent midwives teaching in perinatal programmes perceive their role as educators, as well as whether and in what way they are prepared for this role. It also investigates whether and what form of training midwives receive to their role in perinatal education. The study followed the specifications of qualitative design and data was collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with twelve (12) midwives - trainers in perinatal education, as well as with eight (8) women and men who have participated in childbirth classes in Greece. The findings highlight the need to further support midwives in their educational role and to enhance their educational practice by integrating the principles of Adult Education. 

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