Contructing a wall for the defence of Methoni in the years of Alexios I Komnenos. The testimony of a metrical inscription

Published: Jul 15, 2023
Middle Byzantine period metrical inscriptions fortification church of complex octagon type Theophylaktos emperor Alexios I Komnenos Normans Metropolis of Christianoupolis Methoni
Μιχάλης ΚΑΠΠΑΣ (Michalis KAPPAS)

The author presents a metrical inscription found near Methoni, referring to the reconstructions of the fortification of the city. Based on the chronological information provided by the inscription, it is suggested that it dates from the year 1084/1085, just a few years after the ascent of Alexios I Komnenos to the throne of Constantinople. This ambitious defensive project, together with the establishment of the metropolis of Christianoupolis and the construction of its emblematic episcopal church, appear to have been actions within a coherent plan organized by the central administration, in order to boost the morale of the subjects of the Byzantine state at the particularly vulnerable to the Norman attacks western frontier of the Empire.

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