L'Arbre de Jessé en Orient chrétien

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Middle/Late Byzantine period Tree of Jesse iconography Christian East Armenia Georgia

The Tree of Jesse in the Christian East

This article examines the apparition and evolution of the soteriological theme of the Tree of Jesse in the Christian East whose earliest depiction is found in a chapel in Tarsus of Asia Minor. The development of the subject and its categorization in two groups is more evident from the 13th century onwards with examples mostly from the Balkans and Trabzon. The representation of the Tree of Jesse to the rest of the Christian East is rather rare in art. Nevertheless, in at least three Armenian manuscripts and in one case in a mural painting in Georgia, iconographically the subject belongs to the second group. Finally, it is being concluded that the different historical course of the Chalcedonian and anti-Chalcedonian churches followed, played a significant role in the adaptation of this iconography which is regarded as a Constantinopolitan influence.


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