Une image rare de saint cavalier à Chypre et ses origines orientales

Published: Nov 23, 2011
Middle Byzantine period iconography Saint George prototypes Cypriot art Constantinople periphery church of the Virgin Aphentrika Georgia Cyprus

This article discusses the iconography of St. George on horseback rescuing the young man after the fresco painting of the church of the Virgin at Aphentrika of Cyprus dated between the 12th-13th century. The terms on which this iconography developed are based on the saint's legend which appeared as early as the 11th century, not withstanding its earlier and contemporary depictions from Georgia in several iconographic variants. The dissemination of this iconography to the rest of Byzantium did not happen before the 14th-15h century. In conclusion the scene in Aphentrika draws its inspiration from eastern prototypes thus emphasizing the special place that Cyprus enjoyed between Constantinople and the periphery. 



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