The church the Pantovasilissa in Trigleia. Typological and morphological remarks

Published: Mar 10, 2014
13th-14th century Asia Minor Empire of Nicaea Latros Byzantine architecture Cross-in-square Shortening of bema
Μιχάλης ΚΑΠΠΑΣ

In the church of the Pantovasilissa of Trigleia a peculiar/ variant of the cross-in-square complex four-columned type is applied, where the spaces of the bema are exceedingly limited. This shortening dictated/ provoked the walling of the small passages providing communication between the main bema and the parabemata, immediately after the completion of the monument and before its decoration/ painting. In the present article analogous examples of complex four-columned churches with a compact bema are examined, while the case that the east corner bays functioned as chapels is determined to be rather more likely.


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