Unknwon dedicatory byzantine inscription (AD 1092) fom Western Phocide

Published: Jan 1, 2013
Therma Nea Koukkoura Philothei St. John Baptist dedicatory Byzantine inscription

Among the ruins, near the western side of St. John Baptist’s new church at the place-name Thérma, between Néa Koúkoura and Philothéi, villages of Western Phocide, we find a dedicatory inscription of a prior Byzantine church, dated to AD 1092. The uncial writing of the inscription has handed down to us a metrical text, which offers us, on the one hand, the name of the dedicator (a monk named Ephraim), and on the other hand it indicates the geo- graphical limit of the productive area, where natural resources were developed during the Comnenian era. This place is part of the wide valley of the ancient river Daphnos (today named Mornos), where a monastic community was organised. There we can find archaeological ruins and monuments reserved from the early Christian period and the Byzantine era, as also from post-Byzantine epoch.

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