Resilience of students during distance learning implemented due to pandemic and its association with student-teacher relationship

Published: Dec 20, 2024
pandemic resilience student-teacher relatioship
Vasiiki Bertsia
Maria Poulou

The purpose of this study was the association between basic aspects of students’ resilience during pandemic COVID-19. Specifically, students of 4th, 5th and 6th grade participated in our study. First of all, we present the theoretical background with research findings around the world on the topic of kids’ resilience during pandemic. In addition to that, we analyze the basic term of resilience and student-teacher relationship as well. In our study, we aimed to correlate students’ resilience with students’ perception of teacher-student relationship as well as feelings of loneliness and the perception that they lost some of their close friends during pandemic and lockdowns. In order to examine the aforementioned factors, we used a) the Connor-Davidson resilience scale which estimates students’ and teachers’ resilience level, b) Teacher’s acceptance-rejection short scale which estimates students’ perceptions of student-teacher relationship, and c) close-ended questions about students’ experiences of distance learning during pandemic. 576 students from schools in Heraklion participated in our research. Findings indicate the importance of teacher’s attitude towards its students and the correlation resilience and perception of losing or not close friends during pandemic. These findings are confirmed with recent research data from around the world. School environment plays an important role both in learning and in child development. A learning environment must seek to promote learning as a dynamic activity as well as to support cooperation.

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