Published: Jul 24, 2017
Aspeger syndrom multiplication primary education
Ιωάννης Νούλης (Ioannis Noulis)
Σόνια Καφούση (Sonia Kafousi)
Φραγκίσκος Καλαβάσης (Fragiskos Kalavasis)

Asperger's Syndrome (AR) corresponds to high function functional autism diagnosis and to supportive educational inclusion in the classroom. The identification of a characteristic mathematical reasoning and computational practice for this population category has not gone beyond the diagnosis of individual difficulties in psychological tests. Our research focuses on the multiplicative tructure relates to certain psychological characteristics of the AR but also to virtual representations of the teaching mathematical material that can contribute to the development of appropriate educational design. The research results presented in this paper concern strategies for product computation and ways of understanding the relationship between parts-all.

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Author Biographies
Ιωάννης Νούλης (Ioannis Noulis), ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΑΙΓΑΙΟΥ
Υποψήφιος διδάκτορας
Σόνια Καφούση (Sonia Kafousi), ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΑΙΓΑΙΟΥ
Φραγκίσκος Καλαβάσης (Fragiskos Kalavasis), ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΑΙΓΑΙΟΥ
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