Qualitative analysis of mistakes of pupils D - F grades of primary school in the spelling tests with dictation and free writing

Published: Jan 10, 2017
dictation spelling tests free writing high school performance learning disabilities qualitative analysis of mistakes orthographic ability
Στυλιανή Βασίλειος Ξάνθη

This study is investigating the mechanisms that are activated in two kinds of spelling tests, the free writing and the spelling tests with dictation, through a qualitative analysis of mistakes of the pupils of the last three grades of primary school. It was thought that this investigation will allow useful conclusions for the mechanisms that are activated in the two kinds of spelling tests and how they affect the performance of pupils and especially those with learning disabilities in the spelling. Specifically, the research examines the development stage of spelling skill of 89 pupils, 22 with high school performance and 67 with learning disabilities, with a dictation test and two free writing tests. The mistakes analyzed in the corresponding categories of phonological, morphological and visual-orthographic awareness and the use of the conventions of writing. This investigation will allow useful conclusions for the degree of development which are the specific groups of pupils and it will show useful information for their cognitive processes and their individual needs. The results show differences in the performance of pupils between the two types of orthographic tests in some types of mistakes. Also they show very good spelling ability of students with high school performance and better phonological skills and morphosyntactic processing, and more rich visual-orthographic representations. Based on these findings, the paper discusses the development stage of spelling skills in the two groups of pupils, the linguistic factors that influence their orthographic performance, the degree of difficulty between these spelling tests depending on the mechanisms that are activated and the different growth rate of spelling ability of the pupils with learning disabilities.

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Author Biography
Στυλιανή Βασίλειος Ξάνθη, PhD; Basic and Applied Cognitive Science; Department of Philosophy and History of Science; University of Athens

PhD in Basic and Applied Cognitive Science, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens.

Postgraduate Diploma in Basic and Applied Cognitive Science, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens.

Two-year Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education, Marasleio Athens.

BA Department, University of Athens.

Bachelor Zosimaia College, Univ.

Teacher Special Education in the Department of Integration in Primary Education.

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