Stressors, burnout, and hardiness in the teaching profession: Exploring their relationships and the role of demographic characteristics

Published: May 25, 2024
burnout hardiness teacher's stressors
Efthymia Georgiou
Spiridon Kamtsios

The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of stressors on teachers’ burnout as well as the potential relationship between hardiness and burnout. Furthermore, stressors, hardiness and burnout have been examined in relation to demographic characteristics. A total of 844 primary and secondary school teachers from Cyprus and Greece participated in the study. Participants completed the following questionnaires: (1) Maslach Burnout Inventory, (2) The Greek Hardiness Resilience Gauge and (3) Teachers’ Professional Stress Questionnaire. Findings of the study indicate that high levels of burnout are related to low levels of hardiness and the three dimensions of hardiness (challenge, commitment, control) reduce the influence of stressors on burnout. Differences in study variables, due to the influence of specific demographic characteristics, also emerged. Findings of the study are discussed.

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