"Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience": An attempt to apply the method to primary school students to prevent addictive behaviors

Published: Nov 4, 2024
Prevention Addictive Behaviors Education Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience
Eleftheria Pappa

Contact with all forms of art can be an effective tool in the effort to enhance personal development and the formation of healthy values and attitudes for life. The aim of the present study was to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of an addictive behavior prevention program in primary school, which used the method of "Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience" as a tool to enhance students' mental resilience and life skills. 109 students attending the last two grades of primary school in Patras schools participated in the study. A questionnaire on the perceived effectiveness of the program was administered to the students who participated in the implementation of the program. The effectiveness of the program is high on factors related to social skills, the role of art in the psychosocial support of students, information on addictive behaviors and prevention, as well as new information and knowledge gained by the students. The findings of the research highlight the need for the design of a specific educational policy related to prevention, through the implementation of innovative program using tools such as the "Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience" method, thus recognizing the important role played by the school environment as a protective factor in preventing the development of addictive behaviors.

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