Published: Jul 1, 2014
art education artistic activities photography digital image
Αντώνης Βάος (Antonis Vaos)
Αθανάσιος Καραλής (Athanasios Karalis)
Νεκτάριος Στελλάκης (Nektarios Stellakis)
Ζωή Αποστόλου (Zoe Apostolou)
The present article presents a pilot educational program on the art of photography and the artistic possessing of the digital image. The project involved three groups of undergraduate students of the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras, in the context of their training in the field of the didactics of art. A crucial element of our approach was the attempt to connect this training of the students (future educators) with the educational reality. For this reason, parallel to the functioning of each group of students, similar activities were planned and applied in kindergartens of the region. Students followed up and observed these activities. Hence, two parallel but also linked areas of research were established, creating a total picture that lead to a proposal which is exploitable in the area of preschool education.
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