Access to and quality of Early Childhood Education and Care in Greece

Published: Jul 1, 2015
Early Childhood Education quality access international quality indicators
Νεκτάριος Στελλάκης (Nektarios Stellakis)
This papers is based on data presented by the author in two cases: In “Social Platform's Conference on the Social Dimension of the Greek EU Presidency” which was held in Athens during the preparation session of Greek Presidency of European Union in December 2013 and in the 11th Annual Conference of Eurochild Network, which was held in Bucharest in November 2014 and its topic was “Children First: Better Public Spending for Better Outcomes for Children & Families”. It discusses issues related to access of children in public nurseries and kindergartens as well as it examines issues concerning the quality of ECEC. The purpose of this paper is not only to highlight the various problems but it aims to contribute to dialogue for the upgrading and improvement of ECEC in Greece.
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