Presentation and evaluation of an in-service kindergarten teachers’ program on literacy practices in preschool education

Published: Jul 1, 2012
literacy practices kindergarten further education professional development
Νεκτάριος Στελλάκης (Nektarios Stellakis)
Μαρκέλλα Παραμυθιώτου (Markella Paramuthiotou)
In this paper an educational program for in-service kindergarten teachers is presented. Its aim was to investigate in depth the literacy practices in preschool settings, as they included in the Curriculum. The program was addressed to the kindergarten teachers of the island of Syros and it took place the school year 2009-10. It included seminars, workshops, classroom observations and application of projects. Responsible for program design and realization were the Laboratory of Language and Literacy of the Department of Educational Science and Early Childhood Education of University of Patras and The Regional Education Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of the South Aegean. Moreover the participants’ evaluation is analyzed. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews by eleven out of twelve participants. Data, which were analyzed with discourse analysis method, reveal that the valuation was positive. Especially, the participants’ comments regarding the extension of this kind of programs to other learning areas, as well as, the connection among learning areas were of great importance.
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