Library corner and print in kindergarten: An initial observation

Published: Jul 1, 2011
Κindergarten literacy corner environmental print play corners writing materials
Νεκτάριος Στελλάκης (Nektarios Stellakis)
Ζωή Αποστόλου (Zoe Apostolou)
The aim of this study is to present the data of a research concerning the literacy environment of Greek Κindergarten schools. For this study a questionnaire was used in order to record the literacy environment of the Κindergarten schools, especially the organization of library corner, the existence of texts and writing materials as well as the supply of stationery. This questionnaire was based on the Literacy Environment Checklist of ELLCO (Dickinson & Anastasopoulos, 2006) and was used with the permission of the publishers in forty Κindergarten classes in the area of Patras, Greece. The majority of the schools that took part in this study seemed to lack an organized and welcoming library corner, while there were not other texts or writing materials in other play corners. Although the data refer to a restricted number of Κindergarten classes, a lot of questions arise about the literacy practices in Greek kindergarten settings.
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