Solution strategies on addition problems and meanful framework in teaching

Published: Jul 1, 2008
mathematical concepts addition early childhood education
Κωνσταντίνος Αντωνόπουλος (Konstantinos Antonopoulos)
Παρασκευή Τσιούνη (Paraskevι Tsiouni)
Κώστας Ζαχάρος (Kostas Zacharos)
The objective of this study was to investigate two aspects: firstly to investigate children's knowledge about the concept of number, and then to analyze children's strategies in solving problems including additions. Furthermore, we examined whether expedient teaching situations would provide more successful results. The research was carried out with the participation of 31 pupils 5 to 6 years old from Greek state kindergartens of the same area, bearing the same middle socioeconomic background. These subjects were participated in three different tash. The first aimed to investigate children's knowledge on concept of number and the others to examine children's ability in solving addition problems. Our findings highlight the important role of the communication framework in teaching, as it contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge.
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