Μοντέλα σκέψης των εκπαιδευτικών της προσχολικής και πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης για το στρώμα του όζοντος

Αναστασία Δημητρίου (Anastasia Dimitriou)
This article presents the results of a survey concerning the teacher's conception and understanding about the ozone layer. The data
were collected by semi-constructed interviews. The aim of this study is to construct conceptual models concerning the way teachers think about the situation of ozone layer, its role, the mechanisms of its depletion and the consequences of the ozone layer depletion on the total ecosystem of the earth and the human beings as well. The results of this survey show that there is a good understanding about the location of the ozone layer as well as that the ozone layer screens the dangerous solar rays. Almost all of the interviewers believed that factories and vehicle emissions cause ozone layer depletion and realized that this depletion might cause skin cancer but fewer recognized that this depletion can cause other biological or ecological problems. Most of them believed that the ozone layer depletion causes global warming. This idea shows confusion between ozone layer depletion and the greenhouse effect.
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