Πειραματικές δραστηριότητες των φυστικών επιστημών μέσω της εργασίας σε ομάδες: Η περίπτωση τον μαγνητισμού

Δόμνα-Μίκα Κακανά (Domna-Mika Kakana)
Κατερίνα Καζέλα (Katerina Kazela)
There are many researches in the fields of Physical Sciences 's teaching which have shown that the students in every level of education are unable to understand even the basic terms of Physical Sciences because their teaching focuses especially to the teacher' s actions. The traditional teacher doesn't take into consideration the children's ideas during the teaching but he puts them to a passive role. On the one hand the new views about the processing of learning are based on the acceptance of the active participation of students and on the other hand are recognized the great significance of the previous knowledge. According to the above framework this study presents researching data from equal in number classes from schools of the West Attiki. Generally in this research are participated 48 infants. The one class was the Experimental Group, which have been taught the Phenomenon of Magnetism through the way of small group learning and the other class was the Control Group, which followed a traditional way of teaching. The data show a clearly superiority of Experimental Group over the Control Group which concerns not only the results of learning but also the development of the quality characteristics.
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