Adaptation, Psychometric evaluation and Standardization of the Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy skills for preschool children

Published: Mar 9, 2020
Oral language Use of language Literacy skills Preschool age
Ασημίνα Ράλλη (Asimina Ralli)
Πέτρος Ρούσσος (Petros Roussos)
Ελενα Καζάλη (Elena Kazali)
Παναγιώτα Κωνσταντοπούλου (Panagiota Konstantopoulou)

This paper describes the psychometric evaluation of the rating scale "Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy-TROLL (Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy) (Dickinson, 1997) in the Greek population. The scale was filled by 60 preschool teachers for 1110 preschool aged children between 3 and 6 years old residing different areas of the country. At the same time, the rating scale was tested for the reliability, concurrent validity and its internal structure in the Greek population. The reliability was tested with the method of test-retest and internal consistency, while the concurrent validity was measured with the simultaneous individual administration of a battery of tools assessing the same language skills. High reliability scores were obtained, both by the test-retest method and the internal consistency method.  At the same time, the concurrent validity of the scale was confirmed by the high correlations found between children's performance on the rating scale and on the battery of psychometric tools. Finally, the standardization data can be used by educators to assess in a first level the language abilities of a child in comparison to the distribution of the general population.

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