Preschool children’s perspectives on learning through play

Published: Feb 3, 2025
Updated: 2025-02-03
2025-02-03 (2)
Maria Kanaki
Maria Papandreou

Discussion about learning through play in ECE contexts is growing worldwide. The present study, which is part of a larger research project that investigates different aspects of learning from the perspective of children and other stakeholders in Greece, focuses on how children perceive the relationship between play and learning. The theoretical position of the project, within participatory pedagogical and research approaches, valuing young learners’ views in research and practice, recognises them as competent and expert informants. In line with this perspective, the whole project used a multimodal methodology. Findings from photo-supported interviews with 35 kindergarten children are analysed and discussed in the present study. Data analysis showed that children connect learning to play and acknowledge that learning takes place through play. For them, play activities in the kindergarten seems to serve as both a learning opportunity and a learning environment. Moreover, the participants acknowledged themselves as active contributors to the educational process and demonstrated an understanding of the different learning strategies they enact during play. At the same time, peers were found to have a central role in the learning process during play, while teachers and family members were found important in some cases.

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