Mathematical Profile Test: adaptation & standardization in Greek

Published: Feb 5, 2022
assessment dyscalculia mathematical difficulties mathematical skills
Ioannis Karagiannakis
Petros Roussos
Fotini Polychroni

The present study presents the adaptation and standardization of the Mathematical Profile Test (MathProTest – Karagiannakis & Nöel, 2020) in Greek, a theoretically - driven assessment tool covering a wide range of important mathematical skills. It is an autonomous online battery which can be administered individually or in groups. The MathPro test includes 18 tasks which assess numerical skills related either to specific cognitive domain (core number), or to general cognitive domains (visual-spatial, memory, or reasoning). This test was administered to a sample of 2371 primary school children (Grades 1-6) which was recruited from seven geographical prefectures of Greece following quota sampling. According omega coefficient, the MathPro Test showed satisfactory internal consistency. Pearson’s coefficient between test-retest confirmed the repeated measures reliability. Finally, significant and stable correlation with teachers’ evaluation on mathematical performance across all grades were found with children with difficulties in mathematics to be performed significantly lower according the results of the multiple one sample t-test. This all suggests that the MathPro test is a reliable tool  sensitive  in mathematical difficulties that can be used both in conducting large scale research and assessing in detail the mathematical profile of children with or without mathematical learning difficulties – dyscalculia for diagnosis purposes and focused intervention based on the individuals  strengths and weaknesses in mathematics.

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