Models of capitalism, institutional complementarities and the Greek political economy

Αναστάσιος Χάρδας
This article attempts a critical overview of the theories that discuss Models of Capitalism (MoC) and offers a conceptual and empirical framework through which these theories could be applied to the case of Greece. The primary theoretical argument is that because of their abstract analytical insights, these theories can only provide limited insights in relation to Greek political economy. Nonetheless, the emphasis given by the MoC to institutional complementarities as factors that determine national political economies, as well as their comparative approach could prove to be useful analytical tools in the study of Greek political economy. Through this discussion, the article aims to elucidate the main parameters that could explain the underlying factors which create and sustain a Greek Model of Capitalism. Such an exercise is more relevant than ever, given the severe economic crisis that the country has been going through over the last three years. This approach can offer ways to identify the institutional complementarities that could contribute towards overcoming the effects of the crisis.
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