Aspects of cultural anti-Americanism in the postwar period: The European context and the case of Greece

Ζηνοβία Λιαλιούτη
This article focuses on the cultural dimension of anti-Americanism as developed in post-war Western Europe. It attempts to highlight tire historical origins of anti- Americanism in the European continent using the German and the French case as historical examples. It also examines the Greek case focusing on the historical period from the announcement of the Truman Doctrine and tire implementation of the Marshall Plan to the mid 1960’s. The broader context in which the present study is inscribed is the relationship between Americanization and anti-Americanism as developed during tire Cold War. In particular, Greek cultural anti-Americanism is here examined as a manifestation of the phenomenon of European cultural anti- Americanism that was shaped by American cultural penetration in the continent and by elite and mass reactions to the dominance of tire ‘American model'. The Greek case is however different from the western paradigm in the absence of a coherent right-ward anti-American discourse, a difference that can be attributed to the fierce anti-communism of the post-civil war years. However, in the perception of Americanism es e tbreet bxr Grûûk elites enei public opinion we cen observe tbe emergence of an inter-party convergence in the field of anti-Americanism.
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