Larissa – Learning City: From Local Learning to Global Actions

Dimitris Deligiannis
Alexis Kokkos
Ted Fleming

Covid-19 demonstrates the vulnerabilities of living in close proximity to others and we ask this question: What kind of city would enhance the lives of all its citizens, including new arrivals? This question is at the center of attempts to bring adult and citizenship education to address community and social problems through a pedagogy of the city, in this case the City of Larissa. We explore the Learning City – its concept, goals and reality; the cultural and educational obstacles the project faces and the actions and tasks facing Larissa - Learning City. UNESCO provides the framework, resources and support for the Learning City project. It is planned as an exercise in democracy and citizenship which is the version of lifelong learning proposed by the Municipality of Larissa the local lead agency for this venture. The rationale for the project is built on the Freire inspired idea that the local is the starting point for addressing global issues.

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Riferimenti bibliografici
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