The Acheiropoietos-Phaneromene of the Early Palaeologoi

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Late Byzantine period 13th century the Virgin Acheiropoietos lead seal the emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos Thessaloniki Constantinople

The name Acheiropoietos in a depiction of the Virgin Hodegetria on a lead seal of an official of the late 13th century is taken as the starting point of a quest on the introduction of the latter's cult. The pictorial evidence of Acheiropoietos suggests a relationship with the city of Thessaloniki. This is also corroborated by the origin of the official and by the relation that the emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos had with the city itself and its protector saint. Finally, it is being concluded through a historical investigation and archaeological evaluation of the evidence that the emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos himself was responsible for introducing the cult of Acheiropoietos in Constantinople from where it radiated.


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