More about the Rare Iconography of the Descent into Hell

Published: Jul 6, 2011
14th century Russian iconography of the Descent into Hell female images of the Old Testament Satan Beelzebub and Death defeated

The iconography of the Descent into Hell as it is depicted in Russian art from the second quarter of the fourteenth century onwards, includes some rare features: the episode with angels defeating the forces of evil, and the Old Testament women, such as Sarah Rebecca, Rachel, Ruth, and Asenath standing beside. beside Eve. In the art of the late medieval period we can see sometimes up to 16 female figures. For the Russian society this iconographic variation underlined the unity of the Old with the New Testament. The importance of female images can be explained by the probable influence of the Slavonic pre-Christian traditions.

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Author Biography
Engelina SMIRNOVA, Moscow State Lomonosov University

Moscow State Lomonosov University

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