La décade des âges de la vie : essai de généalogie cyclique

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Post-byzantine period 1768-1811 codex 2800 Wheel of Life Death Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens

«The Decade of the Ages of Life; A Cyclic Essay on Genealogy»

Αγγλική περίληψη: The codex 2800 of the Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens, dated between 1768-1811, includes among others a list of the ages of man classified in decades but without any illustration. The theoretic, verbal and/or pictorial conceptions for the stages of life stretching from a virtual to a symbolic composition are being related to their textual sources originating from antiquity, to their previous Latin pictorial representations and to their contemporary Post-byzantine frescoes all of which depict the Wheel of Life. Special commentary follows the royal (middle) and senile age, while Death through his presence bears an educational purpose as he is naturally ransoming mankind from Life.


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