L'énigme de mélodie. L'auteur des psaumes et sa parèdre dans le codex Parisinus Graecus 139, fol. lv

Published: Nov 23, 2011
Middle Byzantine period frontispiece Cod. Paris. Gr. 139 David personification of Music interpretation st. Gregory of Nyssa Paris National Library of France

The study discusses the conditions and the theoretical background under which the iconography of the frontispiece (f. 1v) of the Codex Paris. Gr. 139 with David as a musician and the personification of Music behind him might have been created. The scheme of the male figure accompanied by a female figure at the making of is well known from the Greek-Roman antiquity. However, in the case of David as a poet/ lyricist, albeit the archaeological/genealogical assumptions, the presence of Music remains enigmatic. The key for the interpretation of this depiction lies in the testimonies of Gregory of Nyssa found in his work Treatise on the Inscriptions of the Psalms.

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