Published: Oct 8, 2018
subitizing early childhood education
Σόνια Καφούση (Sonia Kafousi)

Nowadays, many researchers have mentioned that the design of learning activities concerning subitizing for preschool children is very important for their mathematical development (Baroody, 2004; Clements, 1999). This paper is focused on the capabilities of children 3-6 years old about subitizing, using different spatial configurations for the numbers 2-6. 113 children participated in this research. Data collection was based on structured interviews. Data were analyzed using quantitative methods.

The results showed that the children's capability is influenced by their age. It was

found that in most cases as the children grow up, they do fewer errors. Furthermore, the different configurations used for each number influenced the children's success. Especially, according to our findings: a) the linear configurations of numbers 4 and 5 were difficultfor the children of all different ages, b)the children had greater success in the linear configuration of number 3 in comparison with its configuration as a triangle, c) the configuration of number 4 as a die was easier than its configuration that it could be seen as 3 and 1 and d) the configuration of number 5 as a die as well as its configuration that it could be seen as 4 and 1 was easier than its configuration that it could be seen as 3 and 2.

The above findings could guide the design of a concrete sequence of learning activities concerning subitizingfor early childhood mathematics education. However, the investigation of didactical situations concerning learning activities of counting and subitizing in the class could allow the construction of a more fruitful framework of educational design.

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Author Biography
Σόνια Καφούση (Sonia Kafousi), University of Aegean
Assistant Professor
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