What is the Role of International Law in Global Health Governance on the Period of Covid-19

Опубликован: Δεκ 29, 2020
Dimitrios Batakis
Symeon Sidiropoulos
Athanasios Vozikis

Rapid globalisation challenges many of the traditional assumptions about International law, which is linked to domestic law, especially the ways in which it is formed and the methods of its implementation. This phenomenon led governments to be more focused on international collaboration to achieve national public health purposes and succeed some audit over the cross-border powers that influence their populations. This essay will analyse the position on what is the role of international law in global health governance. Another significant result of this essay is that Global Actors should create a global health cooperation in order to implement the international law effectively on the period of Covid-19. 

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Биографии авторов
Dimitrios Batakis, University of Piraeus; Hellenic Association of Political Scientists
Dimitrios Batakis holds MSc in Health Economics and Management, MSc in International Health Policy LSE, he is PhD cand. in Medical Tourism; Scientific Associate of Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM) at the University of Piraeus, Economics Department, Greece. He is Strategic Associate of Medical Company of Crete and Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), Greece.
Symeon Sidiropoulos, University of Piraeus; Hellenic Association of Political Scientists
Symeon Sidiropoulos is Political Scientist, President of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), Scientific Associate at Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM) of the University of Piraeus.
Athanasios Vozikis, University of Piraeus
Athanasios Vozikis is Associate Professor, Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM), University of Piraeus, Economics Department, Greece.
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