Using drones in teaching. Results from a pilot implementation to 5th grade primary school students

Published: Mar 1, 2017
drones language lessons mathematics primary school students
Δημήτριος Παπαδάκης
Εμμανουήλ Φωκίδης
Βασιλεία Κούρτη-Καζούλλη
Μαρία Δάρρα

The study presents the results of a pilot project which examined the learning outcomes when using unmanned flying vehicles (drones) for teaching fifth-grade primary school students units from Language and Mathematics. For that matter, two teaching interventions were planned and carried out in two groups of students, one control and one experimental. A total of 40 students participated to the study, coming from a primary school in Rhodes, Greece. The interventions were carried out during October 2016. The results verified that, for Mathematics, the students of the experimental group achieved better results, compared to the control group and the sustainability of their knowledge was also greater. However, this did not hold true for the language lessons. In addition, the formation of positive attitudes and perceptions of students toward drones were noted.

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Author Biographies
Δημήτριος Παπαδάκης, University of the Aegean
Department of Primary School Education, post-graduate student
Εμμανουήλ Φωκίδης, University of the Aegean
Department of Primary School Education, Lecturer
Βασιλεία Κούρτη-Καζούλλη, University of the Aegean
Department of Primary School Education, Associate professor
Μαρία Δάρρα, University of the Aegean
Department of Primary School Education, Assistant professor
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