The contribution of Environmental Education in the education of children with disabilities and/or special educational needs: Views of teachers

Published: Mar 17, 2019
Environmental Education Views of teachers Special education tool
Χριστίνα (Christina) Σ. Λάππα (Lappa)
Κωνσταντίνος (Constantinos) N. Μαντζίκος (Mantzikos)
Στέφανος (Stefanos) Παρασκευόπουλος (Paraskevopoulos)

Few studies have been conducted in Greece which examine the integration of Environmental Education (E.E.) into Special Education and its usefulness as a tool in teaching children with disabilities and/or special educational needs. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the views held by teachers concerning the contribution of E.E. in the education of individuals with disabilities and/or special educational needs. The sample consisted of 161 teachers (138 females and 23 males). The research tool was created using Google Forms and included 7 demographic statements and 20 structured statements about the views of teachers regarding the contribution of E.E. in Special Education. Closed-ended statements were used on a 5-point Likert scale response format. The sample was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics (SPSS 21). The results of the study showed that teachers believe that E.E. can constitute an important tool in Special Education and be beneficial to children with disabilities in all areas of their development. Moreover, the gender, the level of education, the specialty and the work unit as dependent variables, played a major role in the participants' responses. In conclusion, E.E. is necessary for the education of children with disabilities and special educational needs.



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Author Biographies
Χριστίνα (Christina) Σ. Λάππα (Lappa), University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece; Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece

Department of Special Education; Doctor of Special Education, Post Doc; Academic Tutor-Advisor of Hellenic Open University

Κωνσταντίνος (Constantinos) N. Μαντζίκος (Mantzikos), Kindergarten of Vlachogianni, Elassona, Greece
Special Education Teacher
Στέφανος (Stefanos) Παρασκευόπουλος (Paraskevopoulos), University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece

Department of Special Education; Professor (Full) 

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