Published: Jul 1, 2014
portfolio self-assessment peer-assessment drawing ability
Τρισεύγενη Σαϊπά (Trisevgeni Saipa)
Δόμνα-Μίκα Κακανά (Domna-Mika Kakana)
Φωτεινή Μπονώτη (Fotini Mponoti)
The main goal of the research is to investigate the possibility of using a portfolio as a means of evaluating and assessing preschool children’s drawing ability and the possible impact this might have on their performance. To achieve this we created a pilot project. Initially, we selected 36 preschool children in which we applied the method of the portfolio. Afterwards, we chose another 29 preschool children, who followed the regular program. In order to test the effect of the portfolio on drawing ability, children were examined before and after “intervention” in two different tasks: (α) Goodenough’s Draw-a-man Test (1926) and b) Freeman’s partial occlusion task. (1980). Results revealed significant differences in drawing performance between the two groups.
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