Decoding preschool children’s emerged rules during pretend play activities

Published: Jul 1, 2012
early childhood rules spontaneous play activities
Καφένια Μπότσογλου (Kafenia Mpotsoglou)
Δόμνα–Μίκα Κακανά (Domna-Mika Kakana)
It is really remarkable, that children as they play during spontaneous play activities, although they aren’t forced to do, with a “natural” way put their rules in their play. Due to this fact, many questions are resulted; why the existence of rules in children play activities is so important? What make children to put rules? How these rules operate in the frame of play activity? Are children’s rules, influenced from their gender or social patterns? This paper, aims to decode the operation and the context of rules that preschool children put, in the frame of spontaneous play activities
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