Preschoolers' reading of environmental print: before and afterwards the application of directions of Cross Thematic Curriculum framework for nursery school

Published: Jul 1, 2008
emergent literacy early literacy activities preshool literacy environmental print sociosemiotic approach of language (MAK Halliday)
Ελένη Γκανά (Eleni Gana)
Χριστίνα Δασκαγιάννη (Christina Daskagianni)
Καφένια Μπότσογλου (Kafenia Mpotsoglou)
The presented project constitutes a comparative study of reading behaviour of preschool age children before and afterwards the application of Cross Thematic Curriculum framework for nursery school (2003). Actually, the present study replicates a study which was made ten years ago under the former Greek National curriculum where literacy activities were prohibited in kindergarten. Aim of our research is to observe the presence of diachronic differentiation of reading strategies that children use in order to attribute meaning in written texts of their wider cultural experience (environmental print), and in case that there is -according to the our research hypothesis- to study her particular characteristics. For the data analysis was adopted the sociosemiotic approach of language (SFL) which allowed us to study children's readings not only in combination with the written representations, but also in relation with the semiotic structure of the situation (theory of register). The comparative data analysis allows us to conclude that there is not observed important qualitative differentiation in the children's reading behaviour as in both researches we recorded corresponding strategies of meaning construction. However the frequency in the occurrence in some strategies suggests that in the present research the readers are particularly directed to the written code and to the decoding mechanisms and less sensitized for the textual characteristics of exhibits.
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Author Biography
Καφένια Μπότσογλου (Kafenia Mpotsoglou), Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας
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